Cathodic protection of the power plant industry includes the facilities of electricity grounding, grounding
grid, the inner outer walls of the recycled water pipeline, the cathodic protection of circulating pump inside outside walls (impressed current cathodic protection system, magnesium alloy sacrificial anode cathodic protection engineering, aluminum alloy sacrificial anode cathodic protection engineering).
合作客户有国投宣城电厂、马钢电厂、江苏华电吴江热电有限公司等。已完成项目主要有马钢电厂、国电宣城电厂阴极保护、宁波 逸盛化工 PTA 项目阴极保护、江苏华电吴江2 × 9E 燃机热电联产工程、印尼南加里曼丹电厂循环水系统阴极保护工程。
Cooperative customers are SDIC Xuancheng Power Plant, Maanshan Iron &
Steel Power Plant, Huadian Jiangsu Wujiang Thermoelectric Co., Ltd. so on. Completed projects are Maanshan Iron Steel plant, SDIC Xuancheng power plant cathodic protection, cathodic protection of the PTA project of Ningbo YiSheng Petrochemical, Jiangsu Huadian Wujiang 2 X 9E gas turbine combined heat power engineering, cathodic Protection Engineering of power plant circulating water system in South Kalimantan, Indonesia.
洛阳成润防腐工程有限公司是从事阴极保护工程设计、安装施工和材料生产的专业公司。系中华人民共和国住建部防水防腐保温工程专业承包壹级资质企业,中国腐蚀控制技术协会阴极保护设计、施工、检测壹级资质企业及理事单位。已通过 ISO9001 质量管理体系认证, ISO14001 环境体系认证, 中石油 Q/ SY 1002. 1- 2007 HSE 管理体系认证及中石化 Q/ SHS 001. 1- 200 HSE 管理体系认证。
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