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Ports Projects



Cathodic protection projects of ports steel piles subsea pipe lines are mainly include: aluminum alloy sacrificial anode

cathodic protection, zinc alloy sacrificial anode  cathodic  protection  impressed current cathodic protection system.


Our cooperative clients are the WanXiang Oil Limited Company,Changda Road Engineering Limited

Company Guangdong Province and  so  on.  The  completed  major  projects  are  Ao- sha n oil terminal first stage project sewage pipeline ant i—cor r os i on engineering, the cathodic protection project of the  DongZhouTe Bridge  Pier  steel  piles  underwater part.

港口码头防腐工程 港口码头防腐工程

洛阳成润防腐工程有限公司是从事阴极保护工程设计、安装施工和材料生产的专业公司。系中华人民共和国住建部防水防腐保温工程专业承包壹级资质企业,中国腐蚀控制技术协会阴极保护设计、施工、检测壹级资质企业及理事单位。已通过 ISO9001 质量管理体系认证, ISO14001 环境体系认证, 中石油 Q/ SY 1002. 1- 2007 HSE 管理体系认证及中石化 Q/ SHS 001. 1- 200 HSE 管理体系认证。

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